Join hotelbreak with Maike Richter's invite and get a 5% on your first booking

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What is hotelbreak?


Search and select your experience in a hotel or beach club close to you


Choose when you'll go and the number of person that will go along with you


Join now with Maike Richter's invite and get 5% off of your first booking


Enjoy an amazing experience in one of the best hotels

Enjoy daycations in your city

Being a hotelbreaker means enjoying the best hotels without booking a room. Because hotels are more than just their rooms and we wouldn't like to miss out on the amazing services. Best of both worlds.

hotels and experiences

Madrid, Spain

{:zero=>"No hotel yet", :one=>"1 hotel", :other=>"%{count} hotels"}

Granada, Spain

48 hotels

Barcelona, Spain

207 hotels and 739 experiences

Mallorca, Spain

20 hotels

Málaga, Spain

3 hotels

Paris, France

They say it better than we do

hotelbreakers love to enjoy life, live experiences, eat tasty food and drink cocktails by the pool. If this sounds like you, it's because you are a hotelbreaker without even knowing it!

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